Peter Schiff on Bullion Banks, and the Hidden Trove of QE Money

Peter Schiff on Bullion Banks, and the Hidden Trove of QE Money

“Perianne talks about the Fed and gold with Peter Schiff. Justine Underhill presents a chart to explain just exactly what the Fed has been doing vis a vis QE.  Also, in the US, the big banks have had to submit ‘living wills’ to regulators — basically, a blueprint for their wind-down should they become insolvent — or, more insolvent, we guess. But the central bank of central banks, which is the Bank for International Settlements, just came out with its own plan for how to deal with too-big-to-fail. It’s ‘simple,’ they say. Just let the creditors and depositors take losses — a la Cyprus — and force the creditors to recapitalize a new banking entity.”

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