The Dismal State of Police Body-Camera Laws

“Des­pite fed­er­al sup­port, there are few fed­er­al laws or guidelines for the use of body cam­er­as. Rules are set piece­meal city-by-city. There are vast dif­fer­ences between how even the largest de­part­ments, like New York and Chica­go, handle film from body cam­er­as. A co­ali­tion of ma­jor civil-rights groups re­leased guidelines for op­tim­al rules in May. The re­port re­leased on Monday is the first to sur­vey how many loc­al de­part­ments stack up.  The res­ults are not good. No city po­lice de­part­ment was ideal. Two de­part­ments stood out in par­tic­u­lar as hav­ing es­pe­cially dread­ful rules: At­lanta and Fer­guson, Mis­souri.  City de­part­ments in Phil­adelphia, De­troit, San Ant­o­nio, and Al­buquerque also did not fare well.”

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