Sequestration Pain: Biden Loses $13,200 Weekly Free 100-Mile Flight Home

“Anyway, he feels our pain. Well, not ours, exactly, but the pain of federal employees who are being asked to tighten their 54-inch belts.  Is there fat in the federal budget? Lots of it. Is sequestration going to force the federal government on a diet? From three Twinkies a day to 2.9, maybe.  The fun thing is the entertainment value. There will be media-worthy tidbits as choice as Biden’s plane grounding. We will get to see how the elite in Washington live at our expense.  Their lifestyle is not ours. Their pain in sequestration is not ours. Their lifetime security is not ours. Their access to the perks of office are not ours.  Then what is ours? Their bills.”

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