Caterpillar Punked By Chinese Fraud, To Write Off Half Of Q4 Earnings


“Fraudulent Chinese corporations are nothing new – we have been warning about them since late 2010.  One company, however, which apparently was completely unaware of the now pervasive and proven for the past two years Chinese corporate fraud, is US industrial titan Caterpillar. This was made clear when, after hours on Friday night naturally, the company revealed that it had been misled by ‘deliberate, multi-year, coordinated accounting misconduct’ at a subsidiary of a Chinese company it acquired last summer, leading it to write off most of the value of the deal.”

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Actuarial study: Obamacare law to bring double-digit percent increases to insurance premiums

“Medical claims costs — the biggest driver of health insurance premiums — will jump an average 32% for Americans’ individual policies under the Affordable Care Act health care law, according to a study out Tuesday by the nation’s leading group of financial risk analysts.  While some states will see medical claims costs per person decline, the report prepared by the Society of Actuaries concluded that the overwhelming majority will see double-digit increases in their individual health insurance markets, where people purchase coverage directly from insurers.  Much of the reason for the higher claims costs is that sicker people are expected to join the pool, the report said.”

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Obama Admin. Ignores Nullification: Federal Agents Will Enforce ObamaCare

“President Obama will not wait on states to enforce ObamaCare. The Obama administration has announced its intent to disregard state laws and state constitutional amendments prohibiting the enforcement of ObamaCare. Federal agents from the Department of Health and Human Services will assume absolute control over states’ health insurance industry and regulation in states that refuse to comply with the federal healthcare mandates.”

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Bauman’s Little Black Book of Buffoons

“Public servants who no longer serve the best interests of the public should always follow Sir Anthony Eden’s example and resign on moral grounds. And here in the U.S., the list of useless officials in our government is shocking and even demoralizing.  Resign!  What follows is just a small sample of them, albeit the top five in my little black book of who should fall on their swords – all of them buffoons.”

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“No Bank Account Anywhere In The Eurozone Is Safe”

“No Bank Account Anywhere In The Eurozone Is Safe”

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Furor Growing Against Obama Over ‘Monsanto Protection Act’

“The protests come on the heels of a massive petition campaign organized by the advocacy group Food Democracy Now, which gathered the signatures of more than 200,000 people who wanted Obama to veto HR 933 in order to stop Section 735 — the so-called ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ — from being codified into law.  But Obama ignored it, instead choosing to sign a bill that effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of GMO or GE crops and seeds, no matter what health consequences from the consumption of these products may come to light in the future.”

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The Centralization of Intellectual Control Proceeds Apace


“How has publishing in top economics journals changed since 1970? First, annual submissions to the top-5 journals nearly doubled from 1990 to 2012. Second, the total number of articles published in these journals actually declined from 400 per year in the late 1970s to 300 per year most recently. As a result, the acceptance rate has fallen from 15% to 6%, with potential implications for the career progression of young scholars. Third, one journal, the American Economic Review, now accounts for 40% of top-5 publications, up from 25% in the 1970s.”

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What Happens After the Housing Bubble Reflates?


“This Forbes analysis is actually a fairly sophisticated analysis on how realtors decide whether houses are a good buy or not. The article concludes that houses may be cheap to buy given current conditions. Now, the larger question begins to percolate: Are houses cheap because of fundamental economic factors or for monetary reasons? After all, if central banks print lots of money – as they have been – then people are making more money.  There will surely be a housing bubble given the rashness of central banking actions. Whether the dollar itself will survive upcoming monetary events is the larger – and even more serious – question.”

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An Investment that Thrives, Even in a Weak Economy

“New mechanisms for productivity help drive existing businesses to be more efficient, and that is always in demand – especially during tough economic times. And, yes, the last 20 or 30 years of R&D is really just starting to peek its head into the markets. Everything from robotics to genetics to artificial intelligence are just now making their way to true commercial viability.  The last five years of economic fear have created an innovation vacuum at the top of the tech stratosphere. This has opened opportunities for startup companies to seize upon the reticence of their much larger competitors.”

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