“There was a recent article that came out about the amount of suicides and desperate moves people are making in desperation about what’s going on around the world. You know my saying, ‘When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.’ And people are starting to lose it. I believe the actions that were taken with police, military, and armored vehicles, 10,000 troops to go after a 19-year old kid in Boston, are the beginning of more to come. So as societies breakdown you are going to see more and more Martial Law put in place to keep the people in place.”
Monthly Archives: April 2013
FBI and Tsarneav: What Did They Know and When Did They Know it?
“This is getting awkward. Members of the Senate Intelligence Committee were told today that Russian authorities warned the FBI about the potential threat Tamerlan Tsarneav posed not once but ‘multiple times’ and ‘at least once since October 2011.’ Also, in a blow to some Russophiles who want to draw the US into Russia’s fight against separatism in the Caucuses — ‘it’s the Chechens!!!’ — a statement appeared on a website run by Russia’s North Caucasus rebels that disavowed any link to the Boston Marathon bombing. So what gives?”
Disaster in Watertown
“Back in the Clinton days, people who lived in crime-ridden apartment complexes in Chicago and other places wanted the police to conduct warrantless sweeps or searches. This kind of ignorance like that from those who applaud the Watertown search is a compelling argument against being forced into a society whose rules one must obey or whose guns one must obey when its people decide to tear up the rules. The authorities are supposed to know the rules and follow them and to protect against intrusions against them. Of course, this is a pipe dream when fewer and fewer people, in and out of office, either know their rights or feel them in their hearts.”
Doug Casey Refutes Common Hesitations to Internationalize
“Tell a person that it’s a big beautiful world, full of fresh opportunities and a sense of freedom that is just not available by staying put and you will inevitably be treated to a litany of reasons why expanding your life into more than one country just isn’t practical. Let’s consider some of those commonly stated reasons, and why they might be unjustified. While largely directed at Americans, these are also applicable to pretty much anyone from any country.”
Civil Libertarians Appalled by Tsarnaev Manhunt, Boston Residents Thrilled
“Boston-based civil liberties attorney Harvey Silverglate told Reason.com he is very troubled by the measures taken by law enforcement officials during the manhunt for alleged Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. His views contrasted greatly with what this reporter came across during dozens of man-on-the-street interviews conducted across the greater Boston area last week, where residents voiced overwhelming support for the actions of local, state, and federal officials.”
Online sales tax overwhelmingly passes cloture vote
“The Marketplace Fairness Act, which would allow states the mechanism to start collecting taxes for online sales, overwhelmingly passed a Senate cloture vote Monday night, circumventing regular order and drawing concern from a minority of Senators. Seventy four Senators voted in favor of the motion, while 20 dissented. Many of those represent states that, like New Hampshire, do not have a state sales tax and argue the passage of this bill will be consequential for their small businesses. One consequence cited was the states’ potential power to collect sales tax on financial transactions done online, specifically on Americans’ 401(k) accounts.”
After U.S. Troops Leave, Armed Drones Will Patrol Afghanistan’s Skies
“One of the major elements of Afghanistan’s air war will remain after most U.S. troops have headed home, the U.S. military command confirmed today. Armed drones, operated by the U.S., will remain over Afghanistan after 2014. Western Pakistan, the epicenter of the U.S. drone war from 2009 to 2011, experienced a surge in U.S. drone strikes at the beginning of this year. Those drones are under the control of the CIA, and U.S. military officials believe that’s likely to remain the case even if the Obama administration takes away many of the CIA’s drone operations, since there is no declared U.S. war in Pakistan. Those drones are flown from Afghanistan.”
13 corrections officers indicted in Md., accused of aiding gang’s drug scheme
“More than a dozen Maryland state prison guards helped a dangerous national gang operate a drug-trafficking and money-laundering scheme from behind bars that involved cash payments, sex and access to fancy cars, federal prosecutors said Tuesday. Thirteen female corrections officers essentially handed over control of a Baltimore jail to gang leaders, prosecutors said. The indictment described a jailhouse seemingly out of control. Four corrections officers became pregnant by one inmate. Two of them got tattoos of the inmate’s first name, Tavon — one on her neck, the other on a wrist.”
The Trusting Soul Who Tipped Off the Boston Invaders
“A man in Watertown, Massachusetts noticed something odd. It seemed as though his backyard boat had been disturbed. He tipped off the government. The various governments, which had locked down Boston in a vain attempt to find a missing teenager, sent troops into his back yard. They shot up his boat. Let’s understand causation. The authorities locked down the city. They put the locals in Watertown under house arrest. They invaded their homes. They found nothing. It took a tip from a citizen for the armed troops to locate the kid. What did the informant get for his trouble? A destroyed boat.”
Second-Grade Teacher Suspended for Showing Children Garden Tools
“Yes, my friends, a 17-year teaching veteran did it. He showed garden tools to his class. It’s incredible. He actually showed them tools. That’s right. He got out a box of tools. There was a pair of pliers. There was a screwdriver. But the school’s authorities knew this was a cover. He showed the children a pocket knife. What kind of tool is that? What can a knife do that a pair of hedge clippers can’t do a lot better? So, he was suspended for four days without pay. The public schools are determined to protect children. They should not be shown a knife at age 7. Condoms, yes. That’s different. But not knives.”