Bill Bonner: How Government ‘Works’


“A theory should explain something without reference to something else. That is, a metaphor doesn’t work. It’s just a description. If you say that government is a kind of ‘social contract,’ you are merely describing how it seems to you…or what you think it might be comparable to.  Let’s try a simpler insight: government is a natural phenomenon, an expression of power relationships, in which some people seek to dominate others by force. These dominators gather ‘insiders’ together so that they can take money, power and status away from other people, the ‘outsiders.'”

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OKPay To Suspend Money Services for All Bitcoin Exchanges


“Mt. Gox has recently been informed by OKPay, one of  our longtime partners, that they are planning to stop performing wire transfers to and from all Bitcoin exchanges, including Mt. Gox[…]  We will soon stop accepting deposits via OKPay. This may take up to a couple of weeks, but it will happen eventually.  Withdrawals to OKPay accounts will not be cut immediately, but will only be allowed up to the amount that OKPay users have deposited into Mt. Gox via OKPay. Beyond that amount there are other methods of withdrawal available.”

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Street Smarts with Jim Rogers

Street Smarts with Jim Rogers

“Jim Rogers tells Lew Rockwell about his Adventures on the Road and in the Markets.”

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Perpetual Travel (PT) And Entrepreneurial Anonymity With Steve Michaels

“In this episode, we discuss:  Freedom & how to live it in an unfree world; Perpetual Travel (PT) and what that means; How to anonymize yourself with a New Mexico LLC; Bitcoin & what it can do for entrepreneurs; Staying positive in an uncertain world. ‘The Perpetual Traveler’ Steve Michaels joins me in an in-depth discussion on the philosophy of freedom, and how to leverage this knowledge into more financial freedom and keeping what you earn.”

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IRS targets First Caribbean International Bank thanks to ‘voluntary disclosure’ program

“A witness statement filed in support of the summons by IRS agent Cheryl Kiger details how, during her investigation into a leak of offshore data, she came across information suggesting FCIB and Barclays accounts may have been used by tax evaders. Kiger also disclosed information obtained from a programme allowing individuals who have previously evaded US tax to voluntarily disclose this information and receive less stringent penalties. She identified at least 129 such cases which had involved the use of bank accounts with FCIB ‘its predecessors in the Caribbean’.”

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Exclusive New Adam Kokesh Arrest Footage; Calls For Orderly Disbandment Of Washington

Exclusive New Adam Kokesh Arrest Footage; Call For Orderly Disbandment Of Washington

“Adam’s arrest in Philadelphia as never seen before with multiple camera angles and exclusive footage that shows him clearly being targeted and pulled out of the crowd WITHOUT assaulting anyone!”

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Digital Currency Firms’ Sites Have Been Shut Down.

“One of the companies involved in digital currency transfers is Perfect Money. It just got a lot less perfect. The screws are tightening on digital money sites. Bottom line: the U.S. government reserves the right to shut down any website on earth, at any time — no appeal. Meaning: you can put your legal digital money into these sites. Then, without warning, these sites are defined by the U.S. government as money-laundering sites. They mysteriously go offline. Think of them as roach motels: your money goes in. It does not come out.”

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Members Of LAPD SWAT Team Caught Selling Department Guns

“The FBI is investigating whether members of the Los Angeles Police Department’s elite SWAT and Special Investigations Section units violated the law by purchasing large numbers of custom-made handguns and reselling them for profit, according to interviews.  The move comes after an earlier LAPD investigation found no wrongdoing on the part of officers. But on Friday, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck acknowledged that that probe was ‘clearly lacking’ and said the department has opened a second investigation of the weapons transactions that is still ongoing.”

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IRS Official Lois Lerner Refuses To Resign – Gets Paid Leave Of $3,557.69 A Week

“First she refused to testify. Now Lois Lerner, the IRS official at the center of the tax agency scandal, is refusing to resign, according to a top Republican senator. Sources confirmed to Fox News earlier Thursday that Lerner, the head of the IRS division that oversaw the unit targeting conservative groups, had been placed on administrative leave, with pay.  But Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, claimed she was only put in that status after refusing to step down.”

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Julius Bär bank clients now targeted in US tax probe

“American clients of private bank Julius Bär were told recently that they are the focus of a US tax evasion probe, a Zurich-based daily reported on Tuesday. US tax authorities had requested administrative assistance from their Swiss counterparts to investigate a number of US citizens suspected of having undeclared funds at the Zurich-based bank.  The United States has launched investigations into the dealings of around a dozen Swiss banks, including Julius Bär, prompting Switzerland to try to reach an overarching settlement with Washington to provide legal closure for its financial sector.”

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