Treasury’s Lew: Congress Needs to Pass Debt Limit

“Congress needs to raise the debt limit and take away the ‘cloud of uncertainty’ about the nation’s ability to pay its bills, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said. ‘The fight over the debt limit in 2011 hurt the economy, even though, in the end, we saw an extension of the debt limit. We saw confidence fall, and it hurt the economy. Congress needs to do its job. It needs to finish its work on appropriation bills. It needs to pass a debt limit,’ Lew said on NBC’s Meet The Press. Senior lawmakers on Capitol Hill are trying to come up with must-do legislation to keep federal agencies running after Sept. 30 and prevent the possibility of a government shutdown.”

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Chicago’s Cash-on-Hand Plunges


“Mayor Rahm Emanuel closed the books on 2012 with $33.4 million in unallocated cash on hand — down from $167 million the year before — while adding to the mountain of debt piled on Chicago taxpayers, year-end audits show, reports the Chicago Sun Times.  Last week, Moody’s Investors ordered an unprecedented triple-drop in the city’s bond rating, citing Chicago’s ‘very large and growing’ pension liabilities, ‘significant’ debt service payments, ‘unrelenting public safety demands’.”

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U.S. Students Sign Petition to Legalize 4th Trimester Abortion

U.S. Students Sign Petition to Legalize 4th Trimester Abortion

“Once again, MRCTV’s Dan Joseph went to a college campus and asked students to sign a petition. This time the goal was to get people to show their support for legalizing 4th trimester abortion.”

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Heart Surgery in India for $1,583 Costs $106,385 in U.S.

“Devi Shetty is obsessed with making heart surgery affordable for millions of Indians. On his office desk are photographs of two of his heroes: Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi.  Shetty is not a public health official motivated by charity. He’s a heart surgeon turned businessman who has started a chain of 21 medical centers around India. By trimming costs with such measures as buying cheaper scrubs and spurning air-conditioning, he has cut the price of artery-clearing coronary bypass surgery to 95,000 rupees ($1,583), half of what it was 20 years ago, and wants to get the price down to $800 within a decade.”

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Cuba looks to medical tourism to entice international visitors

“Drug rehab, post-accident motor skills rehabilitation, treatment for eye diseases and plastic surgery — foreign patients can get all of these services and more in Cuba, and at competitive prices.  As the communist government of President Raul Castro seeks to revive the island’s moribund economy, it is turning to medical tourism as a revenue generator.  Cuba’s main source of foreign income is the sale of medical services to other countries — legions of doctors and nurses, who are public employees, travel abroad to work following an agreement with the host country. Cuba has the highest number of doctors per resident in the world.”

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Judge Napolitano: Detroit’s Obamacare Bailout To Backfire

Judge Napolitano: Detroit’s Obamacare Bailout To Backfire

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Cities’ Strategy in Health Insurance for Retirees: “Dump Them Into ObamaCare!”

“The 61 largest U.S. cities in 2009 were in the hole by about $118 billion to retirees’ health insurance obligations. They now think they have a way out: default on these obligations and force retirees into ObamaCare. This gets the obligations off their backs and onto the backs of the federal government. This is what Detroit is doing. Other cities’ officials are impressed. But Detroit is declaring bankruptcy. How can the other cities get out from under without declaring bankruptcy?”

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Obamacare panel approves free cancer screenings for heavy smokers

“Using a highly sensitive test like a CT scan to look for early signs of lung cancer will undoubtedly result in high rates of false positives. The NLST found that 320 high-risk smokers had to be screened to prevent one lung cancer death. Because of that, and the risk from radiation from the CT scans, LeFevre stressed that the screening should only be used in the high-risk groups specified by the guidelines. What worries LeFevre and others is that some doctors and hospitals will try to profit from screening, which costs a few hundred dollars a test. ‘We hope that physicians will not use this recommendation to exaggerate the benefits of screening,’ he said.”

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NYC welfare food is shipped in barrels to the Dominican Republic – then sold on the black market

“New Yorkers on welfare are buying food with their benefit cards and shipping it in blue barrels to poor relatives in the Caribbean. But not everyone is giving the taxpayer-funded fare to starving children abroad. The Post last week found two people hawking barrels of American products for a profit on the streets of Santiago. ‘It’s a really easy way to make money, and it doesn’t cost me anything,’ a seller named Maria-Teresa said Friday. She said her sister has Bronx grocers ring up bogus $250 transactions with her EBT card.  In exchange, the stores hand her $200 cash and pocket the rest. No goods are exchanged.”

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BGPSEC: More Internet Control In The Name Of “Security”

“BGPSEC is a control that, once fully implemented, would allow the federal government to instantly revoke an ISPs right to advertise specific IP addresses, effectively shutting off all services that exist on those addresses.  BGP is a key component of the Internet infrastructure, existing barely above the physical cables and fibers that carry data.  BGPSEC provides much more sweeping control over who and what can exist on the Internet. BGPSEC combined with the DNS system which is already managed by the government means a giant step forward for Big Brother. ARIN has already begun offering the capability as a free ‘service’.”

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