Angela Merkel: Let Us Deepen the Union to Raid It


“The main point of this campaign will be to rewrite the Lisbon Treaty so that Brussels can basically raise taxes at will as part of an EU ‘coordination’ effort while imagining much more in the way of ‘modernizing’ that the EU can undertake. This is actually the recipe for further EU disasters, as additional taxation combined with further expansive public works will unbalance federal Europe in much the same way as its nation-states. What Merkel and the rest have in mind is a naked power grab that will allow Brussels to do the taxing and spending that is now occurring at a national level.”

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Saving Europe’s banks: EU gets landmark deal

“Europe has agreed the core elements of a banking union that mark the most significant pooling of national power since the birth of the euro. European Union leaders meeting in Brussels Thursday will sign off a compromise deal hammered out overnight by their finance ministers after months of difficult negotiations. It will then go to European lawmakers for final approval before May 2014. The banking union is central to the eurozone’s response to future financial crises. The aim is to stop bank collapses from trashing national economies — a fate Ireland suffered in 2010 — and destabilizing the euro.”

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Jeffrey Tucker: Bitcoin In Depth

“Gus Demos of Interviews Jeffrey Tucker of Laissez Faire Books, & CEO of, Join us for an in depth discussion of Bitcoin. Mr. Tucker’s thorough investigation of Bitcoin over the years has made him an expert on the Crypto-currency. Today he shares all.”

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Bitcoin Neutrality – Andreas Antonopoulos

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Some Alaskans bet on Bitcoin virtual currency

“D.G., a resident of Anchorage, started bitcoin ‘mining’ two years ago. ‘Virtual mining’ is required to create bitcoins. D.G. says he broke into the alternative currency business at a good time.  D.G. would only speak with the Daily News on the promise of anonymity. Like many bitcoin users, he considers his anonymity of paramount importance. What’s at risk, he said, is his mining infrastructure — the computers he calls his ‘farm’ — and the safety of his family, several of whom are also bitcoin ‘miners.’  ‘It wouldn’t be any different if I had a gold mine in my backyard,’ he explained.”

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How Do You Mine for Bitcoins?

“Bloomberg’s Matt Miller reports on how you mine for Bitcoin, which isn’t as easy as it sounds. He speaks to Trish Regan and Adam Johnson on Bloomberg Television’s ‘Street Smart.'”


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Andreas Antonopoulos on Keiser Report

“Max interviews coder, hacker and author, Andreas Antonopoulos about Bitcoin. While, at the moment, Bitcoin is a shallow pool of volatility, it cannot be uninvented and is a a way of achieving consensus on a distributed ledger of assets without the ability to cheat. Its role as a currency is just the first ‘app’ on the bitcoin network; other applications could be stock exchanges and peer to peer lending.”

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Hello Bitcoin, goodbye Western Union? The future of remittance

“According to the World Bank, countries in Sub-Saharan Africa will receive 44 billion euros in remittance this year alone, which makes it one of the largest sources of income, far exceeding foreign aid.  Popular money transfer agents like Western Union or MoneyGram handle a large part of these transactions to African countries. Yet their fees for sending money are outrageously high: an average of 12.4 percent.  Techies believe that Bitcoin might be just what these migrants are looking for. Sending Bitcoin across borders and exchanging to and from the cryptocurrency is practically free of charge, and it doesn’t require the interference of any bank or government.”

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Cuba to eliminate currency pegged to dollar

“Tourists currently use a convertible peso roughly equal to a U.S. dollar while most Cubans are paid in ordinary pesos worth about four cents. Many goods are easier to find in government stores that exclusively accept convertible pesos, a mechanism designed to keep the flow of the special currency under government control.  The dual system has created special privileges for Cubans who work in tourism, and resentment among those who don’t.  On Friday, Vice President Marino Murillo told parliament that the peso pegged to the dollar, known as the CUC, would eventually disappear, the first time the government has explicitly said that.”

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