Swiss Gold Initiative Likely Tighter Than Polls Suggest

“Even if the Swiss gold initiative fails and its proponents don’t achieve their desired outcome, the initiative will still be seen in some quarters as an historic event that panicked the Swiss National Bank into a coordinated campaign of opposition and that made currency strategists and financial media around the world sit up and begin to analyse what they may now realise has always been a world class currency in its own right.  No matter what you think of Alan Greenspan, he knows that gold is the world’s premier currency, as do the governing board of the SNB. But whereas Greenspan is now free to say this, the SNB board look too afraid to admit this.”

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A New Free-Thinking Community for Your Life, Safety and Sanity


“Anyone considering securing a secondary residence knows that finding an ideal place to live in a foreign country can be a daunting task. That’s one of the reasons for the popularity of expat ‘communities.’ Such communities often have drawbacks, though, in that they are extremely isolated, ideologically or geographically, or mismanaged and simply involve an unacceptable level of financial risk.  I’m especially excited to share with you this breaking news because the community High Alert is developing in Colombia has considered those drawbacks, and many others, and offers the right alternative. As they say in Colombia, ‘The only risk is not wanting to leave.'”

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Free Staters Win ‘At Least’ 15 Seats in NH State House

“It’s interesting that Freeman relies on a list compiled by opponents of the Free State Project, but it’s true that busybodies can be annoyingly well-organized—and people are often more strongly driven to number their enemies than count their friends.  About the latter group, Dick Desrosiers, Chairman of the Hampton Democratic Committee, complained last month that [NHLA-endorsed candidates] dominate the New Hampshire legislature and ‘introduce and pass legislation to remove any and all government impacts on liberty and property rights and diminished the importance of protecting and promoting the common good.’  What better endorsement could you ask?”

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101 Reasons: Liberty Lives in New Hampshire (Full Length Film)

“‘101 Reasons: Liberty Lives in New Hampshire’ is a documentary adaptation of the Free State Project’s list of 101 Reasons to Move to New Hampshire, which was written in 2002 by Michele Dumas. The FSP is an effort to move 20,000 liberty-minded people to a low populated state that has an existing pro-freedom culture. In 2003, participants of the FSP voted for the ‘Live Free or Die’ state, New Hampshire, as its destination. For over 12 years the 101 Reasons list has helped inspire thousands of activists and entrepreneurs to sign up for the FSP and continue New Hampshire’s reputation as a beacon for liberty.”

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Prosecutors drop key evidence at trial to avoid explaining “stingray”

“Rather than disclose the possible use of a stingray, also known as a cell site simulator, Detective John L. Haley cited a non-disclosure agreement, likely with a federal law enforcement agency (such as the FBI) and/or the Harris Corporation, since the company is one of the dominant manufacturers of such devices. Stingrays can be used to determine a phone’s location, and they can also intercept calls and text messages.  Baltimore Circuit Judge Barry G. Williams retorted, ‘You don’t have a nondisclosure agreement with the court,’ according to the Baltimore Sun.  The prosecution then withdrew the evidence of the phone and gun but said it would still pursue the case.”

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Bill to Restrict N.S.A. Spying Blocked By Senate Republicans

“Senate Republicans on Tuesday blocked a sweeping overhaul of the once-secret National Security Agency program that collects records of Americans’ phone calls in bulk.  Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader, worked hard to defeat the bill, which had the support of the Obama administration and a coalition of technology companies including Apple, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo.  ‘This is the worst possible time to be tying our hands behind our backs,’ Mr. McConnell said before the vote, expressing the concerns of those who argued that the program was a vital tool in the fight against terrorism.”

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Contactless cards’ cash limits inop; can be skimmed with nearby phone

“A flaw in Visa’s contactless credit cards means they will approve unlimited cash transactions without a PIN when the amount is requested in a foreign currency.  New research by experts at Newcastle University, UK, has highlighted a ‘glitch’ in the Visa system which means their contactless cards will approve foreign currency transactions of up to 999,999.99 in any foreign currency.   Side-stepping the £20 contactless limit, transactions can be carried out while the card is still in the victim’s pocket or bag.  Transactions are carried out offline, avoiding any additional security checks by the bank.”

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Should Cities Be in the Business of Issuing Debit Cards? [2013]

“The city of Oakland already offers residents a municipal ID card, a form of identification thought to help undocumented immigrants, in particular. Now, they’ve upped the ante, becoming the first city to add a pre-paid debit-card function to its ID.  Residents can reload the card at Western Union, direct-deposit paychecks to it, withdraw cash from it at ATMs, and shop with it like any other pre-paid Mastercard.  With nearly one in 10 households considered ‘unbanked’ in the U.S., Oakland’s initiative is part an effort by many cities to broaden the financial options available to low-wage workers beyond check-cashing stores and payday lenders.”

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Dutch man injects Bitcoin wallet NFC chips into his hands

“As an entrepreneur and founder of Mr. Bitcoin, a company that installs Bitcoin ATMs in the Netherlands and Belgium, Wismeijer had a 2 millimeter by 12 millimeter NFC Type 2 compliant NTAG216 RFID chip injected into the muscle tissue between his index finger and thumb on each hand. One he uses to store and overwrite common, everyday data, such as contact details, while the other holds his encrypted Bitcoin wallet key. After his doctor in Amsterdam understandably refused to perform the procedure, Wismeijer says he turned to a professional piercing artist to do the deed. Wismeijer is already planning to use his chips as keys to NFC-enabled door locks at his home.”

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ID3 Hopes You’ll Opt-In to Your Own Surveillance

“The ID3 software, called Open Mustard Seed, wouldn’t just contain your name, home address, birthday, government tracking numbers, etc. It would also contain “biometric” and ‘behavioral’ trackers, and all this data would be fused with every online transaction you ever used it for.  Sound a little nightmarish? Don’t worry, silly skeptic—ID3 crosses their hearts that the contents of your identity pack will remain anonymous to third parties. ID3 wouldn’t dream of sharing this mass of private data about you with others—unless, of course, the third party requesting the data is a government employee, by ID3’s own admission.”

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