“As the Saudis attack the Yemeni port town of Hodeidah, the stated goal is to starve the residents into opposing the Houthi forces controlling the city. The US is actively participating in what is clearly a war crime against civilians. Why?”
“As the Saudis attack the Yemeni port town of Hodeidah, the stated goal is to starve the residents into opposing the Houthi forces controlling the city. The US is actively participating in what is clearly a war crime against civilians. Why?”
“State and local officials are doling out $4.5 billion and 1,000 acres to lure the Taiwanese manufacturing giant.”
“The policy of criminally prosecuting all who cross the border illegally is creating a new category of residents at these holding centers, young boys and girls who are grappling with the trauma of being unexpectedly separated from their mothers and fathers.”
“Sites will have to pay to license the technology to match submissions to the database, and to identify near matches as well as exact ones. Sites will be required to have a process to allow rightsholders to update this list with more copyrighted works. Even under the best of circumstances, this presents huge problems.”
“California governor Jerry Brown wants to impose the state’s first-ever tax on drinking water, tacked onto monthly bills.”
Read more: http://blog.independent.org/2018/06/07/drinking-water-tax-the-last-straw-for-californians/
“The California Energy Commission (CEC) approved the regulation with little public debate or discussion, prompting criticism from one of the state’s top energy economists.”
“Like other facilities that store precious metals, the Texas Bullion Depository insures them and has complex security measures to guard people’s assets. Depositors can buy metals from a dealer and have them shipped directly to the depository, or send in what they already own.”
“Instead of looking to government to fix our health care system, we should be looking to innovators like Dr. Devi Shetty.”
“The excruciating DMCA section 1201 exemption process is upon us again, and the right to repair tractors, cars, and electronics is at stake.”
Read more: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/mbxzyv/dmca-1201-exemptions
“The company plans to unveil new ethical principles about its use of AI next week.”
Read more: https://gizmodo.com/google-plans-not-to-renew-its-contract-for-project-mave-1826488620