“Don’t you miss the good old days when you could believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when the media reported it?”
Tag Archives: Fascism
Letter from Shenzhen
“Chinese tech isn’t an imitation of its American counterpart. It’s a completely different universe.”
Read more: https://logicmag.io/04-letter-from-shenzhen/
NYT Sees ‘Dystopia’ in Chinese Surveillance—Which Looks a Lot Like US Surveillance
“There’s a category of story we call ‘Them Not Us’—US media reporting on problems abroad, and seemingly not noticing that they have the same problems at home.”
Why Tech Employees Are Rebelling Against Their Bosses
“The disputed projects span a range, from building facial-recognition technology that could be deployed on unsuspecting people in public to providing computer services that a few years ago would have been run on a machine inside the Pentagon.”
Read more: https://www.wired.com/story/why-tech-worker-dissent-is-going-viral/
Cop Tases Drug Suspect in the Back For Not Crossing His Ankles Quickly Enough
“‘Oh come on, bruh. You’re really going to tase him? He was sitting down,’ shouts the bystander who captured the incident on camera. ‘That’s crazy. That’s why I record everything.'”
Read more: http://reason.com/blog/2018/06/29/pennsylvania-lancaster-officer-tasing
California family doctor forced into re-education under new vaccine mandate
“The Medical Board of California has ordered 35 months’ probation for Dr. Bob Sears, an Orange County pediatrician well-known for being sympathetic to parents opposed to vaccines.”
Read more: http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-ln-sears-license-20180629-story.html
Homeland Security mass US citizen face-scanning program rolled out in Orlando
“The face scan expansion is costing the Orlando airport authority $4 million. The program should be rolled out at other airports in other U.S. cities in the next year.”
Read more: https://apnews.com/eade4e6efbf442328b0e1eefabd98f05
Google’s ‘principles’ on AI weapons, mass surveillence, and signing out
“At some point the wolf cannot say ‘I won’t eat you’ to sheep any longer with a straight face, because everybody knows for a fact that it eats sheep daily.”
Read more: http://fastml.com/googles-principles-on-ai-weapons-mass-surveillence-and-signing-out/
SPLC “field guide” errors prompt lawsuits against tech companies it partners with
“Silicon Valley relies on the SPLC to police ‘hate speech’.”
Be on the Lookout: Amazon Turns its Gaze to Surveillance
“AWS already has a sprawling Pentagon business, and it is the odds-on favorite for a new contract that could be worth $10 billion.”