“The Swamp”: Fearless Reps Expose the Corruption on Capitol Hill

“The Swamp videos make it very obvious that, although there are 435 members of the House of Representatives, the key decisions are made by a handful of very powerful leaders bent on controlling the country and that the betrayal is bipartisan.”

Read more: https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/item/29426-in-the-swamp-fearless-reps-expose-the-corruption-on-capitol-hill

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Jacob Hornberger: The Deep State Went After JFK on Russia Too

“More than 50 years later, President Trump is getting excoriated for doing what Kennedy did — rejecting the admonitions of the U.S. deep state and reaching out to Russia in a spirit of peace and friendship.”

Read more: https://www.fff.org/2018/07/17/the-deep-state-went-after-jfk-on-russia-too/

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U.S. Quits UN Human Rights Council Because It’s Not Pro-Israel Enough

“Many of its current members — they include China, Saudi Arabia and Egypt — have poor human rights records themselves.”

Read more: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-06-19/trump-is-said-ready-to-pull-u-s-from-un-s-human-rights-council

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Outrage at Trump is phony; US leaders have praised dictators for decades

“Flattering Kim with a few meaningless comments designed to foster goodwill is absolutely mild in comparison with the tangible support the US lends to other dictatorships.”

Read more: https://www.rt.com/op-ed/429889-trump-kim-us-dictators/

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Ron Paul: Why Is Washington Backing Saudi Starvation Policy In Yemen?

“As the Saudis attack the Yemeni port town of Hodeidah, the stated goal is to starve the residents into opposing the Houthi forces controlling the city. The US is actively participating in what is clearly a war crime against civilians. Why?”


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Cities Begin To Ban U.S. Police Training Together With Israeli Military

“Hundreds of federal, state, local, and even some campus law enforcement departments across the country have trained in some capacity with the Israeli forces now gunning down Palestinian protesters in droves.”

Read more: https://fpif.org/why-we-should-be-alarmed-that-israeli-forces-and-u-s-police-are-training-together/

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Bill Bonner: Who Sanctions America?

“When you can throw your weight around with nothing to stop you, why not?  Crime, but no punishment. Up, but no down.”

Read more: https://bonnerandpartners.com/who-sanctions-america/

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Trump’s Ten Lies: A Response to the Iran Nuclear Agreement Speech

“The bottom line is that no one – not the United States, not Israel, not the International Atomic Energy Agency – ever really believed Iran was developing nuclear weapons.”

Read more: https://original.antiwar.com/ted_snider/2018/05/10/trumps-ten-lies-a-response-to-the-iran-nuclear-agreement-speech/

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65 years after historic bus boycott, Louisana finally bans boycotts — of Israel

The Baton Rouge Bus Boycott which occurred in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 1953, was the first large-scale boycott of a southern segregated bus system. The Baton Rouge Boycott inspired the Montgomery Bus Boycott two years later. [..] The boycott was prompted partly by the 1950 decision by the Baton Rouge city council to support the financially strapped municipal bus company by revoking the licenses of nearly 40 competing black-owned companies.

Today, the Louisiana governor has barred companies expressing opposition to the Israeli government’s Gaza occupation policy from engaging in contracts with the state of Louisiana, becoming the 25th U.S. state to do so.

Then as now, what the State giveth, the State taketh away, so this sort of political correctness masquerading as commercial policy is not exactly new or surprising.

The real curiosity is that twenty-five U.S. states, now including the Democrat governor of a state with a microscopic Jewish population, would be so curiously eager to align their administrations with the territorial ambitions of a foreign government on the other side of the world.

Exactly what articulable public policy objective is being advanced by curtailing freedom of expression in this way?  Well, perhaps the objective is not one of public policy, but to respond to a private pressure campaign.  The effect, however, is to ensure that company owners that refuse to do business with the state of Israel are also placed at a disadvantage domestically: to be taxed just as heavily but to have fewer commercial opportunities.

If the courts do not curtail this practice (which almost certainly runs counter to the freedom of expression guarantees in state constitutions), one could certainly imagine this anti-boycott ‘tool’ being applied in a variety of ways to force merchants to perform services they would otherwise morally object to.

If it’s acceptable to extort merchants into fulfilling orders from a foreign government and to, say, bake gay wedding cakes, as is presently fashionable, perhaps forcing merchants to support Louisiana’s prison labor regime is a reasonable next step?


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Gaza, “The World’s Largest Concentration Camp”

“It appears that the only way not to be killed, according to Netanyahu, is to meekly accept imprisonment inside the prison of Gaza.”

Read more: https://theintercept.com/2018/05/20/norman-finkelstein-gaza-iran-israel-jerusalem-embassy/

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