Jeff Sessions Faces Tough Cannabis Questions—From His Own Interns

“Sessions noted that more fatal accidents are now caused by drugs than by alcohol, and he said the American Medical Association ‘is crystal clear’ that ‘marijuana is not a healthy substance.’  But when the intern challenged that assertion, Sessions seemed dismissive, addressing the intern as ‘Dr. Whatever Your Name Is.’  ‘I don’t think America’s going to be a better place if marijuana’s sold in every corner grocery store,’ Sessions said.”

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Florida Bill Would Make it a Crime to be the Victim of Auto Theft

“But only if the person who steals the car is a minor. Having the same unlocked car stolen by an adult would not be a criminal offense. Newton insists his bill wouldn’t punish real victims.”

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China Is Moving in the Right Direction on Tariffs

“While U.S. trade policy under the Trump administration has become a confusing mix of bluster, posturing, threats, and uncertainty, China has gone in the other direction, at least incrementally by lowering some of its tariffs unilaterally.  On November 24, China’s Ministry of Finance announced that it would cut tariffs on 187 consumer products. The lower duty rate took effect on December 1, so Chinese consumers are now benefitting from more competition and lower prices.  This is the fourth tariff cut since 2015.”

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Central Planning Ignores the Needs of Women

“An American visiting the Communist Bloc in the 1980s would be aghast to find most women still doing laundry the way they had in the United States 50 years prior, without washing machines.  The communist system didn’t produce machines to make women’s lives easier for the same reason it neglected their other needs and wants. For all the complaints about the profit motive, markets incentivize people to satisfy each other’s preferences through voluntary exchange, while state-run economies provide no such incentive. There is no shortage of soaring communist rhetoric on gender equality, but that cannot make up for the pervasive and sexist shortages under central planning.”

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Washing Machine Tariffs Will Hurt Americans

“The protectionist move against LG and Samsung comes, perversely, just as those companies are set to employ thousands of Americans in Tennessee and South Carolina.  It may also inadvertently put the final nail in the coffin of one of the longest-standing bastions of the American service industry, Sears Holdings Corp. Trump should reject the remedy proposal put forth by the International Trade Commission. Making it more expensive for LG to import the washers it produces for Kenmore, one of Sears’ most popular product lines, will jeopardize the retailer’s efforts to revitalize its brand.”

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How occupational licensing laws inhibit interstate mobility

“The new study adds to the already substantial evidence indicating that licensing laws are a major obstacle to geographic mobility, particularly for poor and lower-middle class people seeking to move to areas with greater opportunity. We have gotten to the point where some 30 percent of Americans have to have licenses to legally work in their respective fields, including even some states that license florists and tour guides. The evidence also suggests that most of these laws do far more to suppress competition than protect consumers.”

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America’s Biggest Problem is Government, Say Most Americans Since Nixon Era

“23 percent of Americans say that the government is America’s biggest problem.  ‘That’s about exactly what is was before Nixon resigned,’ Jones said, referring to the Watergate era.  One might be tempted to view this result as solely caused by disgust with President Donald Trump or his policies. But that’s not really the case, or not entirely. The commentators point out that the poll is similar to findings from 2014-2015 when Barack Obama was president.”

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A War On Opioids Is A War On Suffering People

“Appointing an Opioid Czar and strictly restricting access to said drugs is not the way to stop the ‘opioid epidemic,’ if I may use the term.  People, good people, people with families and jobs and homes, people who just want to be able to do something that approximates functioning, are having serious issues getting medicine that they need. Because they’re having trouble getting medicine their doctor deemed they needed, more and more are finding themselves in pain crises and heading to their local emergency rooms for relief, clogging up an already-congested system and causing delays in care for people who are dealing with other critical emergencies.”

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Pennsylvania Drug Warriors Turned A New York Man’s Life into a Living Hell

“Ramos remained in jail for 158 days until he was found not guilty in Lehigh County Court after blood tests showed no illegal substances or alcohol in his system.  While Ramos was jailed, he was fired from his job and lost his home. He lost his car, too: The tow truck operator notified Ramos by mail about a deadline to retrieve his vehicle, but because Ramos was in jail, no one was at his residence to receive the letter.  Ramos’ lawsuit charged that Troopers Summa and Vanfleet conspired to falsely arrest him despite finding no evidence that he was impaired or had drugs in his car.”

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These Guys Want to Lend You Money Against Your Bitcoin

“Startups with names like Salt Lending, Nebeus, CoinLoan and EthLend are diving into the breach. Some lend — or plan to lend — directly, while others help borrowers get financing from third parties. Terms can be onerous compared with traditional loans. But the market is potentially huge.  Someone looking to tap $100,000 in cash would probably need to put up $200,000 of bitcoin as collateral, and pay 12 percent to 20 percent in interest a year, according to David Lechner, the chief financial officer at Salt, which has arranged dozens of loans.”

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