“Indians are concerned that a proposed bill, which gives regulators the option to use public deposits to bail out a bank that goes bust, is pushing individuals to hoard cash. The government has repeatedly issued statements to assure the public that their money would be safe. These concerns are heightened by news that emerged in February of a $2 billion fraud at state-run Punjab National Bank, where a jeweler allegedly colluded with a bank employee to siphon off money before leaving the country.”
Monthly Archives: April 2018
James Bovard: Bitter lessons 25 years after Waco, Texas, siege
“Shortly before the Waco showdown, U.S. government officials signed an international Chemical Weapons Convention treaty. But the treaty contained a loophole permitting governments to gas their own people.”
Read more: http://thehill.com/opinion/civil-rights/383407-bitter-lessons-25-years-after-waco-texas-siege
By US Standards, America Should’ve Been Bombed for Waco Siege
“25 years ago today, the U.S. government used chemical weapons on American civilians, which resulted in the death of nearly 80 men, women, and children.”
Out of Top 100 News Outlets, Not a Single One Questioned Syrian Attack
“The same entities that are supposed to act as the ‘Fourth Estate’, holding the U.S. government accountable, blindly supported reports of a chemical attack that has yet to be verified.”
World War III: The False Narrative that Fuels Conflict in Syria and Beyond
“At a time when the war is almost won for Assad, he decided to re-ignite international calls for his ouster by senselessly murdering about the same number of civilians the Las Vegas Shooter killed. Seems logical, right?”
America’s Long History of Trying to Determine Who Rules Syria
“The CIA organized its very first coup in Syria in 1949 to overthrow a democratically elected president and install a military dictator. The U.S. has never given up trying to determine who rules Syria, comments Caitlin Johnstone.”
Read more: https://consortiumnews.com/2018/04/12/americas-long-history-of-trying-to-determine-who-rules-syria/
White House acknowledges the U.S. is at war in seven countries
“The U.S. is officially fighting wars in seven countries, including Libya and Niger, according to an unclassified White House report sent to Congress this week and obtained by the New York Times.”
Famed War Reporter Robert Fisk Concludes “They Were Not Gassed”
“Not only has the veteran British journalist found no evidence of a mass chemical attack, but he’s encountered multiple local eyewitnesses who experienced the chaos of that night, but who say the gas attack never happened.”
George Soros Prepares to Trade Cryptocurrencies
“George Soros called cryptocurrencies a bubble in January. Now his $26 billion family office is planning to trade digital assets.”
What the Founding Fathers’ Money Problems Can Teach Us About Bitcoin
“Can you trust something that’s summoned into being, without a government backing it? As it turns out, this is precisely the conundrum that early Americans faced.”
Read more: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/founding-fathers-money-problems-bitcoin-180968393/