Has The Perfect Moment To Kill The Dollar Arrived?


“While the public continues to maintain its fixation on some Mad Max nightmare scenario, the real collapse will be taking place right under their noses in the form of 25%-50% increases in food and fuel, tightened job availability with pensions swallowed by austerity, food lines hidden by food stamps until the government finally defaults and pulls the rug out from under entitlement programs, etc.  For a time, it will look and feel like a slightly darker version of today, and not the cinematic melodrama that we have come to envision.”


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Bernanke Says Europe Needs Its Own ‘Single Fiscal Authority’

“‘If Europe had a single fiscal authority, that would put them in a much closer situation relative to the United States. That would probably address many of the concerns, many of the problems that they had.’  Turning his attention to the future, the Fed chairman also said newer regulatory measures including the Dodd-Frank Act and the Basel, Switzerland, accords were needed to prevent crises over the horizon.” [Bernanke joins Obama in dispensing zero-credibility advice to foreign elites.]


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