Glenn Greenwald: The Right’s brittle heroes

“The ‘chickenhawk’ insult that was so popular among Democrats during the Bush years has completely disappeared, as they now celebrate the so-called Toughness of two political leaders — Obama and Biden — in their continuous willingness to use military force in other countries even though neither ever served in the military.  But the American Right seems to have a particular need to inflate their leaders into beacons of courage, self-sufficiency and virtue, even when their lives are completely devoid of those traits. Paul Ryan is a perfect symbol of America’s political class.”

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These Guys

“You want these guys back? Whaddaya, crazy?”

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Paul Ryan describes Israel as issue of ‘Homeland Security’

“How far do politicians conflate US and Israeli interests? Well Romney’s choice for veep, Paul Ryan, puts the issue ‘Israel’ under the category ‘Homeland Security’ on his Congressional website. Homeland Security also includes, Iraq, Afghanistan, Support Our Troops, and Defense Appropriations.  Ryan’s website statement on Israel is typical of the Republican right, and Democratic left for that matter: the only ‘fully functioning democracy’ in the Middle East, shared values, and Hamas is a terrorist organization.”

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Romney’s Paul Ryan VP Pick Pleases War Hawks

“Ryan has been receiving briefings from Elliot Abrams, George W. Bush’s former Middle East director at the National Security Council. Fred Kagan, a leading neoconservative and one of the architects of the military surges in Iraq and Afghanistan, has also been meeting with Ryan to coach him on foreign policy.  Paul Ryan has also been praised by Jamie Fly, executive director of the uber-hawkish Foreign Policy Initiative, a neoconservative think tank that has advocated regime change in Iran, military action in Syria to depose the regime there, and criticized the US withdrawal from Iraq.”

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Officials: Romney VP Choice Very Pro-Israel

“Paul Ryan, who was selected by Mitt Romney to run as his vice-president in the upcoming U.S. Presidential elections, is considered a strong supporter of Israel by Israeli and U.S. Jewish community officials.”

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