How to Lose a Constitution—Lessons from Roman History

“Rome at the time of the Catalinarian conspiracy was not the Rome of centuries before, when honor, virtue, and character were the watchwords of Roman life. By Cicero’s time, the place was rife with corruption and power lust. The outward appearances of a Republic were undermined daily by civil strife and a growing welfare-warfare State. Many who gave lip service in public to Republican values were privately conniving to secure power or wealth through political connections. Others were corrupted or bribed into silence by government handouts. The Republic was on life support and Cicero’s voice was soon to be drowned out by a rising tide of political intrigue and violence and popular apathy.”

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Gerald Celente on Marijuana Legalization and OccupyPeace

“We’re initiating a project called And it’s based on three words: No foreign entanglements. Those are the three words spoken by the Founding Fathers of this country. We want to rebuild America and the way we want to do it is we’re working to build an OccupyPeace movement based on no foreign entanglements and we’re working to push the United States more in line with a direct democracy like Switzerland. You want to go to war? Let the people vote. You want a defense budget? Let the people vote on it. You want to bail out the banks? Let the people vote. If we can bank online we can vote online. It could be more open than any other system in the world.”

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The Suicide of Communism: The Case for Patience


“Through its satellite nations, it extended into Western Europe. It had been in operation for over 70 years. It had the most extensive system of control over thought and activities of any large society in the history of man. Yet, in one week, without any bloodshed, the leaders of the USSR simply abandoned it. Nothing like this had ever happened before.  Those of us who lived through it could barely appreciate the magnitude of it. That is because it was bloodless. There was almost no warning. The West had been involved in a great competition between the two systems from 1946 until 1991. Then, without warning, that competition ended. It caught Russians by surprise. It caught Westerners by surprise.”

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Withdrawing Political Legitimacy

“The World Wide Web is the greatest idea-smuggling network in history. The question is: Which smuggling operations will put the Web to its most productive uses?  My statement of faith is this: not the state.  Smuggling can lead to secession. It can lead to a withdrawal of faith and hope in the messianic state. It can lead to institutional alternatives to the messianic state.  Example: online education as a substitute for tax-funded education. This is technically possible today. At some point, community by community, there will be a tipping point.  The mark of this tipping point will be this: the inability of local governments to get bond issues passed, despite the threatened loss of federal matching funds.”

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Finance Goes From Foe to Friend in Hollande Government

“During his election campaign in 2011, President Francois Hollande famously called finance his ‘greatest adversary.’ In a speech today, French Finance Minister Michel Sapin called finance ‘a friend,” quickly specifying that he was talking about ‘good finance.’  The new stance comes as the president’s popularity is at a record low and his economic policies have drawn the ire of members of his own Socialist Party and of allied groups. Recovery remains anemic and joblessness is at a record high.  Global finance, however, has stuck with Hollande. Investors have piled into French bonds, giving Hollande’s government borrowing costs that are close to the lowest on record.”

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The World’s Biggest Ponzi Scheme Exposed

“The poor saps in this Ponzi scheme are on the hook for a whopping $222 TRILLION!  Just like Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff, paying off promises with other people’s money is exactly how the United States Government operates.  For decades, the US government has been racking up debt in your name and the names of your loved ones.  Your personal stake in this Ponzi scheme is $714,000 and growing. Even newborn babies are immediately stuck with this bill!   And it’s not like the United States Government is doing all of this for our own good. Ponzi and Madoff stole to live a life of luxury. What the American government is doing with your money is much, much worse…”

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Ron Paul on the Evolution of Freedom in the 21st Century

Ron Paul

“Fewer people depend on regular TV and you see more programs being deleted from TV. So the Internet is the wave of the future and that’s one of the reasons the freedom movement is growing, because it’s not dependent on the establishment. When I got interested in these ideas in the ’50s and ’60s it was very, very difficult to get any information but today it’s so easy and it spreads like a wildfire.  It is worldwide. I’ve said it so many times – this is not a Republican deal. If the ideas are correct they will be pervasive.  Interventionist foreign policy and Keynesian economics was endorsed by the Republicans and Democrats; they just argued over who got to be the managers.”

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The Questions That Weren’t Answered

“The U.S. economy is hanging by its nails. It still has not pulled itself up over the edge of the cliff we went off six years ago. And now the warmongers would have us step on its fingers again.  The hapless Paul Bremer, who was in charge of the occupation government of Iraq under Bush, is pushing combat forces. Says John McCain, ‘We are now facing an existential threat to the security of the United States of America.’  Really? An existential threat? I can’t be sure, but didn’t he say the same thing in 2002-03?  But before anyone sells Americans another war pig in a poke, it is worth pausing to ask, ‘How did it come to this?'”

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Report: Iraq, Afghanistan Wars Will Cost U.S. $4-6 Trillion Dollars [2013]

“Costs to U.S. taxpayers of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will run between four and six trillion dollars, making them the most expensive conflicts in U.S. history, according to a new report by a prominent Harvard University researcher.  ‘The single largest accrued liability of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is the cost of providing medical care and disability benefits to war veterans,’ she wrote.  Additional costs include the replacement and repair of equipment and the accumulation of interest on money borrowed by the Treasury to finance the wars since the nearly two trillion dollars in war costs were not subject to the normal budgetary process.”

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Back to Politics

“As of now, it also could mean another ugly battle over funding the government and a bruising federal debt-ceiling fight in March 2015.  Yet this doesn’t signal a new anti-incumbent wave, at least not yet. So far this year, 26 states have held their primaries to determine the nominees for 257 House seats. Of the 229 incumbents running again, only Cantor and one other have lost.  Meanwhile, the Democratic and Republican candidates for Cantor’s seat have a few things in common. Both have no previous political experience. And both are professors at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Va., where they are teammates on a faculty basketball team.”

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