“Economists estimate the Afghan war has already cost U.S. taxpayers around a trillion dollars. Now the U.S. military is re-escalating in Afghanistan. As the Pentagon requests more troops and drops more and bigger bombs, it’s important to assess the dangers of another surge. And to consider whether another U.S. escalation can turn around an unwinnable war. Will Surge 2.0 be consequential, relevant, sustainable? Or will it be another futile chapter in an unwinnable war?”
Monthly Archives: May 2017
Trump will arm Syrian Kurds to fight ISIS, over Turkey’s fierce objections
“Turkey has vehemently opposed the U.S. partnering with the Peoples Protection Units, a Syrian Kurdish militia known as the YPG that has been trained and equipped by the U.S. under President Barack Obama’s administration. It considers the group to be an offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which has fought a guerrilla campaign against the Turkish state for more than three decades and which Turkey, the United States and the European Union have declared a terrorist organization. The U.S. sees the Syrian Kurdish forces as the most effective partners in the fight against ISIS.”
Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/article149617134.html
Trump on Collision Course With South Korean Leader on Dealing With North
“Mr. Moon’s strategy is the opposite: to offer an outstretched hand to the North Koreans first, in the hope of reducing tensions with the promise of economic integration. Just because that effort failed the last time it was tried, he argued during a hard-fought campaign, does not mean it will fail again as he deals with an erratic, 33-year-old leader in Pyongyang whose main interest is remaining in power.”
This Kid Was Suspended for 10 Days Because He ‘Liked’ a Picture of a Gun on Instagram
“Middle-school student Zachary Bowlin didn’t bring a gun to school. He didn’t say the word gun. He didn’t do anything wrong, or dangerous, to merit a 10-day suspension from Edgewood Middle School in Trenton, Ohio. Bowlin ‘liked’ a picture of a gun on Instagram. That’s it. He didn’t do this during school hours, with school resources, or on school property.”
Read more: http://reason.com/blog/2017/05/08/this-kid-was-suspended-for-10-days-becau
Trump’s Medical Marijuana Threat Contradicts the Law and His Own Position
“Trump is not only trying to usurp the congressional power to decide how taxpayers’ money will be spent; he is threatening to interfere with the autonomy that states are supposed to have under the 10th Amendment. He is also contradicting his own position both before and after his election.”
Read more: http://reason.com/blog/2017/05/08/trumps-medical-marijuana-threat-contradi
Smoking Pot Kicks You Off Transplant Lists — Even In States Where It’s Legal
“More than half the states in the country have legalized medical marijuana, but some hospitals still bar users from life-saving organ transplants. The policy delayed the late Riley Hancey’s lung transplant for months.”
Read more: https://www.buzzfeed.com/alysonmartin/smoking-pot-can-get-you-kicked-off-transplant-lists-even-in
Diabolically dishonest: Lewin Group’s MMR-Autism sibling study
“By looking at just one study in detail, it’s possible to see how easy it is to manipulate numbers to desired outcomes, as a consulting firm that works for vaccine makers was able to do.”
Two pints of beer better for pain relief than Tylenol: study
“By elevating your blood alcohol content to approximately 0.08 per cent, you’ll give your body ‘a small elevation of pain threshold’ and thus a ‘moderate to large reduction in pain intensity ratings’. The researchers explained: ‘Findings suggest that alcohol is an effective analgesic that delivers clinically-relevant reductions in ratings of pain intensity, which could explain alcohol misuse in those with persistent pain, despite its potential consequences for long-term health.'”
Patented insulin prices spike 10x, but black market keeps kids alive
“Sanofi’s proprietary Apidra brand insulin has increased in price by 1,123% since 1996. So they’ve turned to the black market, trading the insulin that Corely’s insurer will buy with other diabetic people they meet on the internet, who are covered on plans that buy the kind of insulin Corely needs to not slip into a coma and die before her tenth birthday.”
Read more: http://boingboing.net/2017/04/27/cvs-caremark.html
Peter Schiff, Trumpcare: Different Plan, Same Problems
“A new form of insurance that this law may create: A policy that would pay for health insurance premiums if the user ever got sick enough to need them. Such insurance would be very cheap, as the maximum exposure to the insurance company is only 130% of the premium for a standard health insurance policy. In the end, the only people buying health insurance would be those who can buy it for free using their tax credits and really sick people for whom insurance premiums are cheaper than their medical bills. But as insurance companies lose money on the latter group, they will be forced to raise their premiums on the former. This puts us right back in the box we are stuck in with Obamacare.”
Read more: http://www.europac.com/commentaries/trumpcare_different_plan_same_problems